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#1 2009-05-08 14:14:22

New member
Registered: 2005-12-03
Posts: 5

New (old) posters from The Duran Duran Archive!


For any hungry Duranimals out there...

While new promotional posters acquired from the band's recent Red Carpet Massacre Tour are being photographed for the website, I thought I would share a little trek down a familiar, beloved path through Duran's earlier years.

I've recently welcomed an influx of fresh posters from Italy, several of which may be classified as bootleg posters! I always thought bootlegs were relegated to vinyl and CDs, but over the years I've collected an interesting array of posters whose lesser quality suggests a possibly 'amateur' origin.  Some of these bootlegs may be recognizable as blown-up images from pictures seen in Star Hits or other magazines.  However, most of the posters below have information designating them for commercial purposes.  All of them are unique, large (approx. 26" x 38" on average) and have a habit of prompting an ear-to-ear grin on the occasional Duranie.  Here's hoping you find a smile on your face from these gems!

Tearing up the stage in 1983:

Classic JT (possible bootleg):

John from the band's MENCAP benefit appearance, 1983:

Simon Le Bon: Master of The Mane (possible bootleg)

And in this corner, The Fabulous Five... (bootleg)

For this next shot, words fail me. Quintessential DD.

Glorious Arcadia.

From 1987, yet strangely 1984-ish....

No. No. Notorious indeed.



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